Sunday, August 14, 2005


Yes... I'm going international!

As many of my friends knows that alot of people, including tourists, always thought I'm not a local.... Most said was that I'm from Japan (even my Japanese friends thought I'm half Jap)

Jang Jang~~~

I got new findings.....
Earlier on I got guesses like Taiwan and Japan.... now more guesses were added into the list!
  1. Japan
  2. Taiwan
  3. Korea
  4. Malaysia
  5. HongKong

None is Singapore! Ahhhhhhhh.............. Hey I'm 100% Singaporean!!!! Perhaps I have Asian looks.... none said I'm from some AngMoh countries.... humphf.... that would be cool!

What else???

None could guess correctly my actual age! I couldn't be always 16 or 18 right??? How I wish.... bah.......... No! I don't wanna to look upon as 小妹妹... I DON'T WANT!!!!

Teach me how to be localised??? Teach me how to look OLD?

Nah~~~ actually I'm quite enjoying such comments... haha so different from others!!! Lemme enjoy such attention Thank YOU! Yes I'm a vain pig! Bah~~~~~~~~

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