Friday, September 10, 2004

::Sianz... ::

Im still sianz.... today only giving tuition... for 2 kidos... den b4 that went to Post office to post the continuing fee reg form haiz.... $$$ fly away again.. though its not my $ but still can feel the streak of pain across my heart...

Went shopping spree with Kaili... bought a pair of shoes some kind like ballet shoes haha... but ladylike mah.... den bought clothings too~ plain 1s... cos I got too many of those with printed cartoons... After that go JP to make my new glasses... and slash price with the Lao Ban Niang... Haha... Think my glasses bit classy... hmmm but they sae suits me den ok lor... I dun really mind much abt glasses... so long as the frame can fit well...

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