Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Busy till I drop!

I'm damn busy eversince Monday starts... (which the tarot lady had predicted) I'm damn pek cek! Phone rings... work piling up... emails coming n going out non-stop... I tried keeping a cool head~ and I did!

Just that I need to vent my frustration out..... !@#$%^&*

It's not that I'm superstitious or what... and my mama still say I subconsciously thinks that I'm pek cek~ rah! Even that er ren bang and my team leader can see that I'm overloaded with stuff! I wonder why people can still talk while busy doing work.... that er ren bang keeps chatting... and even got the cheek to ask me to join them in chit chatting... KNS! I just say "I'm busy...." and act blur. -_-"

Boo! Though I took 2 days leave earlier but I wish to go for a trip! I want to enjoy myself, immersed in that 'trouble-less' feeling.... no need to think of work & money.... wah.... wouldn't that be Sooooooooooooo~~~~~~ GOOD?!

Arrrggg..... WAKE UP!

How about winning TOTO tmr?

I hope so.....

Could I be 1 of the lucky winners???


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